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What material is the reflective vest for traffic police on duty?

Summary:Reflective vests traffic duty in understanding the material before us to understand what traffic duty reflective vests which can be divided into classes in general we are common: traffic duty reflective vests, reflective vests traffic patrol,

Reflective vests traffic duty in understanding the material before us to understand what traffic duty reflective vests which can be divided into classes in general we are common: traffic duty reflective vests, reflective vests traffic patrol, traffic patrol reflective vests, traffic safety reflective vests, traffic police reflective vests, reflective vests security patrol duty police reflective vests and so on traffic safety reflective vest commonly used fluorescent body can be divided into plain weave fabric material fabrics and mesh fabrics, reflective material may be selected for the general light reflective, highlight reflective, bright silver reflective tape, tc reflective cloth, chemical fiber cloth, and so reflective pvc lattice reflective material, fluorescent reflective ribbon, reflective fluorescent iron belt

Shenzhen Hongli Reflective Materials Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen is a professional production of reflective vests, reflective traffic vest, reflective vests, reflective safety raincoats, reflective vests and reflective material manufacturers, 12 years industry experience.

Traffic reflective safety clothing is a way to reduce traffic accidents at night reflective safety clothing, it is a reflective film placed garment surface for safe nighttime road or pavement service jobs. At night without interference, effective distance reflective and luminous of 500 meters, the security service is simple to manufacture, easy to replace membranes, low cost, easy to spread, it is an ideal nighttime safety protective clothing.

According reflective safety clothing style is divided into: reflective vests, reflective T shirt (POLO), reflective jackets, reflective pants.

According to the use of reflective safety clothing is divided into: reflective raincoat, reflective clothing sanitation workers, reflective jersey, reflective uniforms, reflective casual clothes, police reflective clothing, sportswear outdoor reflective, reflective protective clothing, reflective clothing, reflective clothing and other special industries